1. No leave of absence is granted except on a written application from parent or guardian for only valid reasons. The Leave must be entered on the ‘Leave Record’ page of the diary and must be duly signed by the Class Teacher & countersigned by the Principal.
    2. When a pupil, who has been absent due to any reason resumes
      classes, he/she must submit leave application to the class teacher and also enter the reason for such absence in the leave record page of the diary and get it signed by the parent/guardian.
    3. If any student does not attend school after vacation/holidays and continues to remain absent without proper information his her name is liable to be struck off from the school rolls.
    4. Punctuality is very important code of conduct which must be adhered to by every student most sincerly. The school gates will be closed five minutes before the assembly bell. Regular late comers will be sent home.
    5. Where a student is found not complying with the rule mentioned in para 1, 2, 3 & 4 and continues to do so inspite of several warnings the school will take appropriate disciplinary action.
    6. Irregular attendance, habitual tardiness, disobedience or conduct injurious to the moral tone of the school are sufficient reasons for the dismissal of a pupil. Pupils are responsible to the school authorities for their conduct both in and outside the school. Hence misbehaviour in the streets & public thoroughfares shall call for necessary disciplinary action.
    7. Running, shouting or using abusive language in the school Premises/class rooms is not allowed and can be viewed as misconduct.
    8. All kinds of damages done to the School property will have to be duly compensated for
    9. Personal cleanliness and hygiene is expected from all.
    10. Funky or spiky hairstyles, colouring, tinting of hair is not allowed.
    11. At the First bell, students must line up in the school ground for the assembly alongwith the Class Teacher.
    12. The school is not responsible for loss of books, money, clothes etc. Students must look after their own things. Students are strictly forbidden to bring mobile phones, electronic gadzets or any valuable articles to the school.
    13. Students are expected to speak in English in the School premises.
    14. Parents are expected to be co-operative with the staff in enforcing regularity and discipline by seeing that their children prepare their lessons and do their home-work as given in their Diaries and also by taking an active and helpful interest in the activities of the school.
    15. Parents are particularly requested to attend Parent/Teacher Meetings and apprise themselves about the academic progress of their wards by talking to the Class Teacher and the respective subject teachers. They must also duly sign and return the progress report to the Class Teacher. Other reports sent by teachers through the School Diaries must be followed up and signed as well.
    16. Parents / guardians are not permitted to see the pupils during school hours. They can do so only under unavoidable circumstances with the permission of the Principal.
    17. UNIFORMS: On regular class days (from Monday to Saturday) and at school functions the students should wear the prescribed school uniform. The Students from class I to XII are to wear the House wise uniform on Wednesdays & Saturdays.


  • Fees once paid is not refundable under any circumstances
  • Fee must be paid for quarter as given hereunder :-
    • 1st Quarter – Last Date 20th April
    • 2nd Quarter – Last Date 20th July
    • 3rd Quarter – Last Date 20th October
    • 4th Quarter – Last Date 20th January
  • The Fees should be paid by cash / cheque at the Fee Counter of Karnataka Bank Ltd,. M.I.Road Branch, Jaipur
  • If the Fee booklet is lost it will be replaced on payment of Rs.100/-
  • Parents are advised to check that the bank returns them their copy duly signed and stamped.
  • This Fee Booklet must be submitted along with application for Transfer Certificate.
  • School Fees is payable for full 12 months of the year. No deduction will be made for broken periods of absence.
  • Students who do not pay the fees will not be allowed to sit for the exams.
  • If the last date i.e. 20th of the month is a holiday, the fees will be accepted without fine on the following working day.
  • Bank Working Hours:
    • Monday to Friday 10.00 am – 4.00 pm
    • Saturday 10.00 am – 1.00 pm
  • A fine of Rs 10/- per day will be charged after the due date of every quarter.
  • Cheques are to be made in favour of “All Saints’ Church School”. Kindly write your child’s name, father’s name and class with section, at the back of the cheque. Only account payee cheques will be accepted. Outstation cheques will not be accepted.


Students must maintain absolute silence in the Library. Library Books, marked, disfigured or damaged will have to be replaced or paid for by the borrower


  • Every pupil shall attend the school regularly and reach on time. 75% of attendance is compulsory. Leave of absence would be granted for bonafide reasons only.
  • Every time a pupil is not able to attend the school for a day or part of a day, an application from the parent/guardian, is necessary.
  • A pupil who is found to be habitually absent without any bonafide reason or any explanation from the parent/ guardian, is liable to have his/her name struck off from the School Rolls



These rules will be applicable to all the students.

  1. Pupils absent from an examination for any reason are not re-examined in any case.
  2. Absence from one or more subjects involves the loss of grades for those subjects and excludes the pupil from being reckoned in the order of rank in the examination or from receiving an award or prize.
  3. Wilful breach of any code of conduct during the examinations is punishable with expulsion from the examination room or if discovered subsequently, cancellation of the paper.
  4. The results of the examination are final and cannot be reconsidered.


  1. Each Term has three components consisting of Assignment, Periodical Test & Unit Test. Promotion to the next higher class at the end of the academic session will be based on the aggregate percentage achieved by the student in all the internal examination conducted throughout the year.
  2. Failure in important subjects like English, Hindi, Maths or any of the optionals, renders a pupil liable to repeat the class. Besides, failure in any 3 subjects is sufficient reason for not granting promotion.