The School is affiliated to Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan. The Medium of instruction throughout is English and due emphasis is given to Hindi as well. Besides this, the third language taught is Sanskrit. As per Rajasthan Board, Classes V, VIII, X & XII are Board Classes.Keeping in view the influence information technology has on day to day life, computer education is being taught from Standard II onwards. Value education, art & craft, music, physical education & games are a part of the students’ daily time table. Hobby Classes, Extra Coaching Classes for sports are being conducted during the session. Other relevant, socially useful activities are also on the cards.

School has been granted affiliation from the Central Board of Secondary Education, (CBSE) New Delhi w.e.f. 01st April 2022.
School prescribes NCERT Books for Classes I to XII for all the subjects.


  1. These rules will be applicable to all the students.
  2. Pupils absent from an examination for any reason are not re-examined in any case.
  3. Absence from one or more subjects involves the loss of grades for those subjects and excludes the pupil from being reckoned in the order of rank in the examination or from receiving an award or prize.
  4. Wilful breach of any code of conduct during the examinations is punishable with expulsion from the examination room or if discovered subsequently, cancellation of the paper.
  5. The results of the examination are final and cannot be reconsidered.


The Examination Schedule for Classes Nursery to XII is as follows:

Nursery to IX, XI Unit Test I, Unit Test II, Term I, Unit Test III, Unit Test IV & Term II
X,XII Ist,IInd, IIIrd Periodicals, Half Yearly / Pre-Board & Board Examinations


  1. Each Term has three components consisting of Assignment, Periodical Test & Unit Test. Promotion to the next higher class at the end of the academic session will be based on the aggregate percentage achieved by the student in all the internal examination conducted throughout the year.
  2. Failure in important subjects like English, Hindi, Maths or any of the optionals, renders a pupil liable to repeat the class. Besides, failure in any 3 subjects is sufficient reason for not granting promotion.