Admission Policy


Admissions and Withdrawals

  • Admissions are granted purely on merit. Prior registration for an admission test is essential for classes I to IX
  • Pupils seeking admission in Nursery should complete three years before the 1st of April. A corresponding age scale is fixed for the subsequent classes.
  • Pupils seeking admission to class I to IX& XI shall be subjected to entrance test provided they meet the age requirements.
  • Pupils, who join the school, have to produce the Municipal Birth Certificate.
  • Candidates have to produce a Transfer Certificate from the School last attended. If they come from a school of different state/district, the transfer certificate has to be countersigned by Inspector of School of the division in which the school is situated.
  • Registration/Admission /Tuition fees etc. once paid are not refundable.
  • The School does not provide any conveyance facilities for children. The School does not take any responsibility for arranging any kind of conveyance.
  • Children are not allowed to leave the school during school hours. Parents may seek permission from the Principal in writing, only in exceptional circumstances.
  • Transfer Certificate shall not be issued unless all school dues have been paid and all books and articles belonging to the school are returned.
  • The Principal reserves the right to suspend or dismiss any pupil if his/her conduct or progress is unsatisfactory.
  • The Principal reserves the right to accept/reject any application for admission/re-admission without assigning any reason.
  • Parents are normally not allowed to meet teachers during school hours without prior permission.

Procedure for Admission

  • Application form for registration/admission is available at the school office. The form is to be completed and submitted along with the following documents:


Photocopy of Municipal Birth Certicate(Original to be brought at the time of depositing Registration Form)


Photocopy of Certificate of Marksheet of Father’s and Mother’s Highest Qualification


Photocopy of marksheet/ report card of child’s previous class


Original Transfer Certificate


Photocopy of residence proof


Aadhar Card of the Student


Aadhar Card of the Parents/ Guardian


Photocopy of the Category Certificate(duly attested)

  • All the documents must be submitted when the child gets admission in the school. Non submission of the above mentioned documents at the time of admission will render the claim for admission invalid.
  • At the time of submission of the registration form, the exact date and time of the entrance test is to be obtained from the school office.
  • The child should reach the school at least 15 minutes before the entrance test
  • The list of children found eligible for admission will be notified on the school notice board within three days.
  • Parents are to deposit admission fee and school fee ( 1st Quarter) at the time of admission

Procedure for Applying T.C.

  • If a Parent wants to withdraw his/her ward/s name from the school, then the parent will have to write an application for T.C and submit it to the Principal. After the application is accepted, the T.C. will be issued after 15 working days from the date of submitted application.
  • The Application should be given within 1 month after the declaration of the final result. Else you will be liable to pay the 1st quarter fees for the next session
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February 2025