Golden Jubilee Celebration – 20th January 2019

All Saints’ Church Sr. Sec. School, one of the prestigious institutions in Jaipur celebrated its 50th year of existence this year. The Golden Jubilee Celebration was held on 20th of January 2019 at Birla Auditorium, C-Scheme, Jaipur. The event was held with a great zeal and enthusiasm. The function included various performances ranging from patriotism, folk culture, bollywood, horror, social issues and many more. A galaxy of dignitaries graced the occasion with their presence. The Chief Guest for the occasion was Rt. Rev. Bishop Darbara Singh, Diocese of Rajasthan, CNI. Commencing on a devotional note by the Honorable Chairman, Rev. Sandeep Hiskiel, the celebration embraced various facets of culture and society.

Honoring and appreciating the achievers with accolades, the Annual Prize Distribution for the session 2017-18 was also conducted. The staff, which completed their 25 years of service in the school, was also felicitated by the Chief Guest.

Annual Report for the session 2017-18 was also released and read by the Honorable Secretary and Principal, Mrs. Vinita John. The most memorable moments of the function were marked by the precious words of advice and appreciation by the chief guest during an address to the parents. Overall, the celebrations concluded on a happy note encouraging the students to establish further milestones in the journey of success.